| A CONVERSATION WITH | Big Neon Glitter

If you have followed Save The Date for any period of time, you will have definitely heard us telling you that Andrew from A Big NeonGlitter Photographer is, without doubt, one of the nicest people in the industry; and he takes a pretty gorgeous picture too! Recently, we got chatting about his favourite images to capture expecting him to big up the confetti shot or sing about smoke bomb moments but, for Andrew, the pics he remembers most are the ones that run deep; teeming with true love or filled with fun - those jumping for joy moments that spring off the page at you. It was a really thought-provoking conversation so we asked Andrew to relay his thoughts for you. He says;

“Let's me be completely honest here, as a wedding photographer, its goes without saying that I love an Instagramable moment; who doesn’t?However, I think there is a lot to be said for letting your wedding be organic; for allowing the day to create its own perfect, natural moments. This ABSOLUTELY doesn’t mean you can’t do things you’ve dreamt of being part of your wedding; we know that smoke bombs, sparklers or light up signage can be epic. But recently, I have noticed, it’s become more of a “expectation” than something fun for guests and couples to enjoy (gathering guests and the required props can sometimes really stunt the day’s flow)

The majority of what I do is documentary, natural moments and, if there’s a perfect moment to do something different, exciting or just down right odd then let's do it but not at the cost of time actually enjoying the best day of your life. My approach is to never let the photography dictate the day, never let it stop the flow and never drag the couple off an epic dance floor just for a sunset shot.

Trust me, in 10, 20, 50 years times, the images that you will really treasure are those of you laughing with friends, cuddling family, those looks of love or Grannie wiping away the tears of loved up elation and it is my job to capture those above all else!So let love be your energy, be authentic, be fearless and most of all be yourself.


My one piece of advice would be to not let that expectation turn your big day into a series of shots to put on “the grid”. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a cool bride and groom portraits session; it is something every couple should make time for! I have been known to drag sofas outdoors to create awesome bride tribe shots or grabbed a bottle of fizz for some cork-popping pics. But, and this is the important part, these are often spur of the moment things; driven by the vibe of the day, the couple and the type of guests... usually the crazy 'lets doTequila trays’ types of guests.

I want you remember a day where you spent it with friends and family, having a freaking amazing time and, if the majority it was spent going from one set ‘Instagram/Pinterest’ moment to another, then we’ve failed as photographers in making your day authentic.


www.abigneonglitter.co.uk | andrew@abigneonglitter.co.uk


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